A-61133 March 2003 4-21
The image address can be part of the name given to the image.
Special keywords are used in this field by default, they are: book
(level 3), chapter (level 2), image (level 1) and area (determines
whether the value in Primary, Front and/or Back in the Areas
section) is included in the file names.
NOTE: Front and Back values will be used only when Duplex
Processing is enabled, and Separate Front & Back is
checked (both on the Image Processing tab).
These keywords are denoted enclosed in angle brackets ( < > ).
i.e., <book.n>.<chapter.n>.<image.n><area>.TIF.
Any other non-keyword values will be used in the file name exactly
as they are specified here. You can use any alphanumeric
character, and special file naming characters, such as an _
(underscore), or - (minus sign), or space. Other special
characters are not recommended.
book, chapter and image (also referred to as: Folder, Document
and page) can use an optional parameter (.n) to indicate the
number of characters which will be saved for those parts of the file
Roll or Film number can be used as an optional keyword to
indicate the roll number if available from the lead end coding on the
current roll of film.
Example 1 using the optional parameter (.n)n)
If the file naming convention was set to
<book.3>.<chapter.4>.<image.5><area>.tif, the resulting image
file name would be as follows if the current image address is
• If Separate Front and Back is not enabled on the Image
Processing tab and Areas-Primary is set to P, then the
resulting file name would be 010.0014.00145P.TIF.
• If Areas-Primary is not defined with a P, the resulting file name
would be 010.0014.00145.TIF.
• If Separate Front and Back and Duplex Processing are both
enabled on the Image Processing tab, and Areas-Front is set
to F, and Areas-Back is set to B, then the resulting file name
for the front would be 010.0014.00145F.TIF and the back would
be 010.0014.00145B.TIF.