3-10 A-61133 March 2003
Printing an image
The Application Software allows you to print images individually or group
them in folders and print them. A print utility program must be installed
for the Print options to work.
1. Select File>Print. The Print Options dialog box will be displayed.
2. Select the desired printer. You can change the destination printer
and other print properties by selecting Setup Printer…
3. Change the Scale Mode, if desired. Options are: Original Size
which will print the image at the original scanned size, or Fit to Page
which will size the image so it fits on the selected paper size.
4. Change the Auto Rotate option, if desired. Options are:
• None no rotation will occur.
• 90° clockwise prints the image rotated 90° to the right
based upon the current image position.
• 90° counterclockwise prints the image rotated 90° to the
left based upon the current image position.
5. If you want any annotation that you created to be printed on the
image, click the Print Annotation box.
6. If you only want a portion of the image to be printed, click the
Selection Only box. The portion to be printed must be rubber-band-
selected on the display before accessing the Print Options dialog
7. Click OK when all the desired options have been specified.
NOTE: Popup notes can be viewed but not printed.