C-2 A-61133 March 2003
Duplex Microfilm — contains images of both the front and back of
each document, exposed in one pass through the microfilmer.
Folder consists of one or more documents. Each folder must have a
unique name assigned to it when connecting to a VNN. A specified folder
and document remains as the output destination until you disconnect
from the VNN, connect as a different device, or specify a different folder
and/or document. Folders allow multiple documents to be printed, faxed
or emailed at one time as a group.
Gray Scale an image that contains 16 levels or 256 levels of gray
information in the image.
Group 4 a type of compression to reduce the size of a bi-tonal image
Image a film image represents a document front or back. Electronic
images from film make up a document. These images are retrieved
using the image address.
Image Management Code Image Management Code (IMC) is put on
film during microfilming. It automatically sets up the scanner with roll
number, values for A and B channel positions, recovery code, zoom
lens magnification, and image orientation. Retrieval accuracy is
improved and you will not need to perform those tasks manually.
IMC marks can be distinguished from image marks by the following:
• IMC marks are never associated with images.
• IMC marks are always enclosed between “start” and “stop” marks.
Image marks (sometimes called blips) — are rectangular marks
exposed by the microfilmer in one or both channels (see Channel)
adjacent to document images on microfilm. Image marks are sensed
and counted by the scanner during a search to locate and retrieve
specific images.
Image Server Software Kodak Image Server Software is a
background process software application, which runs on a separate PC.
It provides an integral component of a larger system of Kodak and
integrator-supplied micrographics devices and applications that are
connected together by a local area network.
IMS refers to the Kodak Digital Science Intelligent Microimage
JBIG a TIFF file that uses JBIG compression.
JPEG a type of compression to reduce the file size of a gray scale
Landscape — image or paper orientation in the shape of a conventional
landscape painting, where width is greater than height.