A-61133 March 2003 C-1
Appendix C Glossary
Application contains all the software parameters that will allow
images to be easily searched, processed and delivered to the PC.
Auto-Crop automatically removes the border of an image.
Auto Deskew automatically straightens the displayed image.
Batch a finite number of documents or images that are uniquely
indexed. A roll of film can contain several batches.
Batch Download — the process of transmitting and storing a series (or
batch) of image addresses and commands to be executed by the
scanner. The series of commands may be executed automatically or
through the scanner keyboard.
Bi-tonal images comprised primarily of black and white; no gray
Blips see Image marks.
Border Removal removes the borders from around the scanned
image, but maintains the physical image size.
CAR Computer-Aided Retrieval is a method of indexing and retrieving
microfilm images, using a computer to store and retrieve image
addresses and control the retrieval of images at the scanner.
Channel — an area along either edge of the microfilm that is reserved
for image marks. On an exposed and processed roll of film wound on a
reel, Channel A is at the side of the reel with the round hole; Channel B
is at the side with the square hole. The scanner is capable of reading
one or both channels on a roll of film.
Cropping allows you to draw a rectangle around a specific area of
an image and discard any information outside of the rectangle.
Document a paper document is a collection of one or more pages;
an electronic document is a collection of one or more images.
Duo Microfilm — has two rows of images on one roll; the second row
“wraps around” at the core end to become a continuation of the first.
Duo microfilm can be either simplex or duplex. Scanner retrieval
programs can read both channels simultaneously for fast retrieval.
Duo Duplex a variation of duo film from a check camera sorter that
places the front and back of the check side by side in one channel with
the length of the check along the edge of the film. Indexing sequence in
the B channel does not wraparound from the A channel.
Duplex — microfilm which contains images of both the front and back
of each document as compared to simplex microfilm, which contains
images of only one side of each document.