A-61133 March 2003 2-27
The Image Retrieval
The Image Retrieval keypad is usually displayed at the bottom of the PC
monitor. This keypad can be placed anywhere on the screen.
To move the Image Retrieval keypad:
• Place the mouse cursor on the title bar of the keypad, press and
hold the left mouse button and drag the keypad to the desired
The following buttons on the Image Retrieval keypad are mapped to the
keyboard’s keypad:
• Numeric keys to the number keys
• Srch to the Enter key
• + button to the + key
• - button to the - key
• The Num Lock, *, /, and Delete keys on the PC keyboard do not
map to Clr, Set A, Set B and Refile on the keypad.
• To use the numeric keys on your PC, be sure that Num Lock is
active on the keyboard.
You can activate the keypad either by clicking on it or selecting
View>Keypad from the Menu bar. When the keypad is active, you can
use the mouse to select from the keypad, or use the physical keypad on
the keyboard.
NOTE: Assigning a shortcut key to the Keypad function can increase
Following is a description of the fields on the Image Retrieval keypad.
Image Retrieval text box — enter the desired image address in the
text entry box.
Full Keypad — this keypad can be displayed in full or partially. When
this option is checked, the full keypad will be displayed.
Full Keypad Partial Keypad