A-61133 March 2003 C-3
Lead End Code — exposed by the microfilmer on a roll of film before
any other code. It appears only after the recommended threading leader,
and before Preset Code. It contains:
• Start character
• Roll number
• Mode modifiers
• Image offset
• Magnification
• Image polarity
• Stop character
MAPI Microsoft Messaging Application Programming Interface. A
messaging architecture and a client interface component for
applications such as electronic mail, scheduling, calendaring and
document management. As a messaging architecture, MAPI provides a
consistent interface for multiple application programs to interact with
multiple messaging systems across a variety of hardware platforms.
Multilevel indexing — a means of grouping documents in a structured
manner where one type of document is associated with a particular level
and another type of document is associated with another level of greater
or lesser importance or rank. In contrast, single-level indexing assigns
equal importance to each document and no grouping by level takes
place. A typical example of multilevel indexing is an insurance
application with claims associated with Level 2, and attachments
associated with Level 1.
NOTE: The scanner supports 3-level indexing,
Level — this is the number of different image marks the program will
1 level means all image marks will be counted equally regardless of
2 level means all image marks will be counted in two classifications.
The easiest to consider is small and medium image marks. You can
also have small and medium counted as one classification and large
image marks as the second classification; or you could have small
image marks counted as one classification, and medium and large
image marks counted as the other classification.
3 level means all image marks will be counted in three classifications.
The easiest to consider is small, medium and large image marks.
Network Node a logical entity within the Image Server Software.
Original Size the image is displayed in the window based on the
dimensions and resolution of the scanned image (i.e., an inch on the
scanned image is displayed as an inch on the screen).
Page a page is always in paper form and is part of a paper
document. A page can produce one or more image (single-sided page)
or two images (double-sided page) after scanning.