Furuno FCR-28x9 Marine RADAR User Manual

2.30 CCRP (Common Consistent Reference Point)
The reference position for measurements (range, bearing, etc.) and markers (heading
line, stern mark, etc.) can be antenna position or CCRP, which is a location on own
ship to which all horizontal measurements, for example range, bearing, relative
course, relative speed, closest point of approach (CPA) or time to closest point of ap-
proach (TCPA), are normally referenced.
To select the reference position, click the button below [REF point] at the top-left po-
sition to select [ANT] or [CCRP] as applicable.
The position of the own ship marker changes according to reference position as
shown on the next page. If the CCRP is positioned outside of the effective display ar-
ea, the bearing scale is indicated with the appropriate reduced detail.
Click button
to switch
Conning position at
center of display
Radar antenna
position at center
of display
ANT position CCRP position