Furuno FCR-28x9 Marine RADAR User Manual

15.6 Anchor Watch
The anchor watch feature checks to see if your ship is drifting when it should be at rest.
To set the anchor watch:
1. Select the [Anchor Watch] page.
2. Set the alarm radius (in nautical miles) with [Drag Circle].
3. Drop the anchor then click the [Drop Anchor] button.
4. Click the [Start Anchor Watch] button to start the anchor watch.
If your vessel travels more than the distance set here, the corresponding caution is
To continue to use the anchor watch, click the [Clear Anchor] button to set the alarm
about your current position. To stop the anchor watch, click the [Stop Anchor Watch]
button. The caution is not generated even if your ship drifts more than the distance set
with [Drag Circle].
If your ship drifts more than the anchor watch setting, the Alert 495 “Anchor Watch
Setting” appears.
: Alarm triggered
Your ship's position, where you
start the anchor watch.