4.1.1 Sea state
Your NAVpilot has an automatic adjustment feature which sets up the equipment ac-
cording to ship's characteristics and sea state, for optimum performance in the AUTO,
NAV and WIND modes. In addition, a self-learning algorithm is incorporated: Param-
eters for rudder ratio, counter rudder and auto trim gains are constantly optimized
based on the steering history of your boat, and are stored in memory for future navi-
How to select NAVpilot steering parameters
Set how the NAVpilot steers your boat as follows:
1. Rotate the Course control knob to select [SEA STATE] then push the knob.
2. Rotate the Course control knob to select the option which best matches current
sea state then push the knob. For items other than [FULL-AUTO], go to step 4.
[FULL-AUTO]: Auto adjustment and self-learning are on.
[SEMI-AUTO]: Auto adjustment is on, self-learning is off.
[MANUAL-CALM]: Self-learning is off, using the parameter selected for calm sea.
[MANUAL-MODERATE]: Self-learning is off, using the parameters for a typical
normal sea state.
[MANUAL-ROUGH]: Self-learning is off, using preset parameters for a typical
rough sea state.
For normal, everyday operation, the [FULL-AUTO] mode is recommended. How-
ever, if you want the NAVpilot to steer the boat based on experience-related pa-
rameters, but you don't want the pilot to be in "self-learning" mode, choose the
[SEMI-AUTO] option.Note that the course keeping quality may be decreased if the
sea state is different from the experience-related parameters. This option is pro-
vided if you happen to be using the pilot in a situation that you do not anticipate
encountering again.
3. For [FULL-AUTO], set the deviation level as follows:
1) Rotate the Course control knob to select [DEVIATION LEVEL] then push the
2) Rotate the Course control knob to select [AUTO] or[ LEVEL]. For [LEVEL],
you may set a value between 1 and 9. A lower number keeps the course more
precisely but the rudder may be turned more often. With a higher number, the
rudder is fixed, but the course may not be kept as precisely.
4. Push the Course control knob to confirm setting.