Troubleshooting with the DeviceNet Unit Indicators Section 9-1
return to normal when the network power supply is restored, although scan-
ning will not resume if the DeviceNet Unit is set to stop remote I/O communi-
cations when a communications error occurs.
Flags Allocated for C200H DeviceNet Master Unit (CIO n+24)
Bit 14 (Error Flag) and bit 05 (the Sending Error Flag) will be ON.
CIO Area Flags Allocated to DeviceNet Unit
Bits 00 and 07 of n+10 (the Unit Error Flag and Network Power Error Flag) will
be ON.
Check the network power supply and the wiring of the network cables.
Transmission Timeout
Note The NS indicator will flash red if the error occurs during remote I/O communi-
cations, otherwise the indicator will be OFF.
Likely Cause
A transmission request was not completed normally for one of the following
• There is not even one device such as a slave in the network.
• The communications speed settings are not the same in all of the nodes.
• CAN controller error
DeviceNet Unit Response
Records the error in the error log.
As long as transmission timeout is in effect, remote I/O communications will
remain stopped and errors will be returned in response to requests for mes-
sage transmissions. The indicator status, scanning, and message processing
will return to normal when the network power supply is restored, although
scanning will not resume if the DeviceNet Unit is set to stop remote I/O com-
munications when a communications error occurs.
Flags Allocated for C200H DeviceNet Master Unit (CIO n+24)
Bit 14 (Error Flag) and bit 05 (the Sending Error Flag) will be ON.
CIO Area Flags Allocated to DeviceNet Unit
Bits 00 and 08 of n+10 (the Unit Error Flag and Send Timeout Flag) will be
Check the following:
• Matching master and slave baud rates
• Proper cable lengths (trunk and branch lines)
• Broken or loose cables
• Installation of terminators at both ends of the trunk line
• Excessive noise
Node Address Duplication
Likely Cause
The master’s node address is also set on another node.
7-segment MS indicator NS indicator Error log (Hex)
E2 --- OFF or Red (flashing)* 0342
7-segment MS indicator NS indicator Error log (Hex)
F0 --- Red (lit) 0211