Error Log Functions Section 9-2
When using the Configurator, the error log can be monitored with the master
error history read operation. With the Configurator, the error log can only be
monitored and the data cannot be saved.
Time Information The CPU Unit’s time information is used for the time stamps in the DeviceNet
Unit’s error log records. If the time information cannot be read from the CPU
Unit, the time stamp will contain all zeroes.
The DeviceNet Unit’s time stamps will not be correct or consistent unless the
time has been correctly in the CPU Unit. Moreover, if the battery is replaced in
a CS/CJ-series CPU Unit, the time must be set again the next time that power
is turned ON.
9-2-2 Error Codes and Detail Codes
Error Detail code Record
stored in
First byte Second byte
0001 CPU Unit watchdog timer error 00 Hex 00 Hex Yes
0002 CPU Unit service monitoring error (The servic-
ing time from the CPU Unit is not fixed.)
Monitoring time (ms) Yes
0006 Other CPU error Bit 14 ON: Duplicate unit number setting
Bit 11 ON: Unit not in registered I/O table
Other bits: Reserved for system
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000F CPU Unit initialization error 00 Hex 00 Hex Yes
0011 Event timeout MRC SRC Yes
0012 CPU Unit memory error 01 Hex: Read error
02 Hex: Write error
03 Hex: Routing table
04 Hex: CPU Bus Unit set-
tings error
05 Hex: Special Unit CIO
or DM allocation
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