110 Settings | Control Panel Options
MX7 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX7RG-B
Access: | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner
Set scanner keyboard wedge, scanner icon appearance, active scanner port, and scan key settings.
Assign baud rate, parity, stop bits and data bits for available COM ports. Scanner parameters
apply to the MX7 integrated scanner only. Barcode manipulation parameters apply to barcodes
scanned by the integrated scanner engine only.
Factory Default Settings
Port 1 Internal
Port 2 Disabled
Port 3 Disabled
Send key messages (WEDGE) Enabled
Enable Internal Scanner
Good Scan Vibration Disabled / Long
Bad Scan Vibration Disabled / Long
COM1 Port (external serial port)
Baud Rate 9600
Stop Bits 1
Parity None
Data Bits 8
Use Advanced Barcode Processing Disabled
Figure 3-25 Scanner Control Panels
If “Send Key Messages …” is checked any data scan is converted to keystrokes and sent to the
active window. When this box is not checked, the application will need to use the set of LXE
Scanner APIs to retrieve the data from the scanner driver. Note that this latter method is
significantly faster than using “Wedge”.
Disable “Enable Internal Scanner Sound” when you want an application, not the scan engine or
the CE operating system, to control scanner audible notifications. Adjust the settings and tap the
OK box to save the changes. The changes take effect immediately.