
Settings | Control Panel Options 115
E-EQ-MX7RG-B MX7 Reference Guide
before the Translate All processing is performed and is therefore not translated.
5. Since the assigned replacements are applied before the Translate All is performed, if a
control character is set to text by the assigned replacements, the text is substituted for the
control character. In this case, the control character would not be in the data processed by
the Translate All feature.
6. If the application that is accessing the Barcode Wedge in Block mode, supports Hat
encoded characters, like ^M, hat encoded characters can be assigned in the defined action
and then interpreted by the receiving application by using the ‘escape’ format described
above. The same is true for hex-encoded characters.
Barcode - Advanced – Ctrl Char Mapping
Access: | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner | Barcode tab
Figure 3-29 Barcode – Advanced – Ctrl Translation
Note that Control Character Mapping is available regardless of the status of the Use Advanced
Barcode Processing checkbox.
See “Hat Encoding” and “Decimal-Hexadecimal Chart” at the end of this chapter.
Translate All
If “Translate All” is checked, unprintable ASCII characters (characters below 20H) in scanned
barcodes are assigned to their appropriate CTRL code sequence when the barcodes are sent in
Character mode.
When “Translate All” is not checked and “Send Key Messages” is checked, CTRL codes are
passed through in Block mode.
The wedge provides a one-to-one mapping of control characters to their equivalent
control+character sequence of keystrokes in Key Message mode. If a control character is replaced
by another control character, the replacement is performed on the barcode data, prefix, and suffix
before the keystrokes are simulated.