256 Creating Custom Key Maps
MX7 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX7RG-B
MAPROWS Number of rows in each keymap table. This is defined by the hardware
ALGOR Defines the algorithm for converting row/column to internal scan code.
Current values are:
MX3X MX7 [ MX7 is scancode = ((column << 3) + row) ]
Note: The field MAPDESC needs to be unique, but MAPNAME does not.
The second section is the SPECIAL section, which contains the row and column definitions for
certain modifier keys which must be processed independent of the overall keymap. Currently,
these are only modifier keys.
The only recognized names are: KEYSHIFT, KEYALT, KEY2ND, and KEYCONTROL, and
these specify the row and column of these 4 specific modifier keys, in COLxROWx format. Note
the row and column for these keys can be outside the keymap limits specified in the GENERAL
section, since these are not loaded as part of the keymap proper.
MAP Section
There will be several (4 to 7) MAP sections, each defining the keymap for a given combination of
modifier keys. The keyboard driver requires keymaps for normal (no modifiers), SHIFT only,
2ND only, and 2ND-SHIFT combined.
The CTRL modifier and ALT modifier do not have individual keymaps; the keystrokes are passed
to the operating system, which is allowed to parse these keys according to Microsoft
specifications (for example, ALT-keys are defined to only pulldown menus, with no other
The only recognized value names are MAP and COLxROWx (defining a key code). The only
valid values for MAP are:
MAP_NORMAL no modifier keys
MAP_2ND 2nd modifier only
MAP_SHIFT shift modifier only
MAP_2NDSHIFT 2nd and shift modifiers together
MAP_NORMAL32 (MX7 only) no modifiers, 32-key map
MAP_ORANGE32 (MX7 only) orange modifier, 32-key map
MAP_BLUE32 (MX7 only) blue modifier, 32-key map
MAP_SHIFT32 (MX7 only) shift modifier, 32-key map