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2 Wiring and Connection
(2) Protective functions
[1] Gate shutoff after a winding changeover
When the L-coil selection command (LCS) is used to perform low-speed winding -> high-speed winding
switching, or vice-versa, the gate is shut off during contactor operation time in order to protect the spindle drive
unit's main circuit. The gate shutoff time is determined by the "Coil changeover gate cutoff timer" (SP114)
setting. The standard time setting should be used, as a shorter time can cause contactor burn damage.
(Refer to "Spindle control output 5" Coil changing (bit 6) for details.)
【#13114】 SP114 MKT Coil changeover gate cutoff timer
Set the time required to cut off the gate when turning OFF/ON the coil switch contactor.
The value should be longer than the coil switch contactor's OFF/ON time.
The standard setting is "150".
---Setting range---
0 to 3500 (ms)
[2] Current limit after coil changeover
Following a coil changeover, the current is limited (SP116) for the period specified by the current limit timer
(SP115) in order to stabilize control. Because position loop control (synchronous tap, C-axis control, etc.) that
occurs immediately after a coil changeover will result in unstable control, be sure that position commands
specified by the sequence is input after the current limit is cancelled.
【#13115】 SP115 MKT2 Coil changeover current limit timer
Set the time required to limit the current immediately after the coil switch contactor ON/OFF is
completed and the gate is turned ON.
The standard setting is "250".
---Setting range---
0 to 3500 (ms)
【#13116】 SP116 MKIL Coil changeover current limit value
Set the time required to limit the current immediately after the coil switch contactor ON/OFF is
completed and the gate is turned ON.
The standard setting is "120".
---Setting range---
0 to 999 (Short-time rated %)