4 - 60
【#2335】 SV135 RPn0H Distance-coded reference check /position within one rotation High
Set this parameter to operate distance-coded reference check when using distance-coded reference
During the distance-coded reference check initial setup (SV137:RAER=-1), set the following items
on the NC drive monitor screen after the distance-coded reference check initial setup warning A3
turns OFF.
SV134=Rn, SV135=Pn, SV136=MPOS
When reference point is set, the warning A3 turns OFF.
To enable the distance-coded reference check function, SV081/bit3=1setting and a battery option
are needed.
Related parameters: SV081/bit3,7, SV130, SV131, SV134 to SV137
---Setting range---
-32768 to 32767
【#2336】 SV136 RPn0L Distance-coded reference check / position within one rotation Low
Set this parameter to operate distance-coded reference check when using distance-coded reference
During the distance-coded reference check initial setup (SV137:RAER=-1), set the following items
on the NC drive monitor screen after the distance-coded reference check initial setup warning A3
turns OFF.
SV134=Rn, SV135=Pn, SV136=MPOS
When reference point is set, the warning A3 turns OFF.
To enable the distance-coded reference check function, SV081/bit3=1setting and a battery option
are needed.
Related parameters: SV081/bit3,7, SV130, SV131, SV134 to SV137
---Setting range---
-32768 to 32767
【#2337】 SV137 RAER Distance-coded reference check allowable width
For the distance-coded reference check function when using distance-coded reference scale, set the
allowable gap from the reference point position data calculated by the main side encoder. When the
gap exceeds the allowable range, reference point created by distance-code is judged as wrong and
detects alarm 42.
The standard setting value is "basic reference mark interval (SV130) / 4".
SV137=0 setting carries out the same operation as the standard setting value.
SV137=-1 setting enables the distance-coded reference initial set up mode and displays setting
values of SV134 to SV136 on NC drive monitor.
To enable the distance-coded reference check function, SV081/bit3=1setting and a battery option
are needed.
When SV137=32767, the distance-coded reference check function is disabled.
Related parameters: SV081/bit3,7, SV130, SV131, SV134 to SV136
---Setting range---
-1 to 32767 (mm)
【#2338-2397】 SV138 - SV197
Not used. Set to "0".
【#2398】 SV198 NSE No signal 2 special detection width
Set the special detection width for the no signal 2 (alarm 21).
This detects no signal 2 (alarm 21) when machine side feedback is not invoked even if the motor
side encoder feedback exceeds this setting in the rectangular wave signal output linear scale.
When "0" is set, the detection will be performed with a 15μm width.
---Setting range---
0 to 32767 (μm)