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MDS-D2/DH2 Series Instruction Manual
4.3 Setting the Initial Parameters for the Spindle Drive Unit
【#3070】 syprt Phase synchronization alignment speed
Set the amount of speed fluctuation of synchronous spindle during spindle phase synchronization
control. Set this as a proportion to commanded speed.
When "0" is set, the amount will be 5%.
---Setting range---
0 to 100 (%)
【#3071(PR)】 SscDrSelSp Speed monitor Door selection
Select which door group of the speed monitoring a spindle belongs to.
0000: Belong to the door 1 group.
0001: Belong to the door 1 group.
0002: Belong to the door 2 group.
0003: Belong to the door 1 and 2 groups.
(Note) Speed monitoring function is validated when "SP229/bitF=1".
---Setting range---
0000 to 0003 (HEX)
【#3072(PR)】 Ssc Svof Filter Sp Speed monitor Error detection time during servo OFF
Set the error detection time for when an error of command speed monitoring or feedback speed
monitoring is detected during servo OFF.
The alarm will occur if actual speed exceeds safe speed or safe rotation speed for a period of time
longer than this setting.
When "0" is set, the detection time will be 200 (ms).
(Note) Speed monitoring function is validated when "SP229/bitF=1".
---Setting range---
0 to 9999 (ms)
【#3074】 GBsp Guide bushing spindle synchronization control
Set the reference spindle and G/B spindle.
1:Reference spindle
2:Guide bushing spindle
【#3101】 sp_t 1 Acceleration/deceleration time constant with S command (Gear: 00)
Set the acceleration/deceleration time constant with S command (speed operation mode) when gear
00 is selected. Set the linear acceleration/deceleration time up to limit rotation speed (slimit1). Set
the short time constant that the motor torque at acceleration is always saturated, however, when an
abnormal noise or V-belt slip occurs, increase the time constant.
---Setting range---
0 to 30000 (ms)
【#3102】 sp_t 2 Acceleration/deceleration time constant with S command (Gear: 01)
Set the acceleration/deceleration time constant with S command (speed operation mode) when gear
01 is selected. Set the linear acceleration/deceleration time up to limit rotation speed (slimit2). Set
the short time constant that the motor torque at acceleration is always saturated, however, when an
abnormal noise or V-belt slip occurs, increase the time constant.
---Setting range---
0 to 30000 (ms)
【#3103】 sp_t 3 Acceleration/deceleration time constant with S command (Gear: 10)
Set the acceleration/deceleration time constant with S command (speed operation mode) when gear
10 is selected. Set the linear acceleration/deceleration time up to limit rotation speed (slimit3). Set
the short time constant that the motor torque at acceleration is always saturated, however, when an
abnormal noise or V-belt slip occurs, increase the time constant.
---Setting range---
0 to 30000 (ms)