4 - 134
bit 3-1 : nfd1 Depth of Notch filter 1
Set the depth of Notch filter 1 (SP038).
000: - ∞
001: -18.1[dB]
010: -12.0[dB]
011: -8.5[dB]
100: -6.0[dB]
101: -4.1[dB]
110: -2.5[dB]
111: -1.2[dB]
bit 0 :
Not used. Set to "0".
【#13035(PR)】 SP035 SFNC3 Spindle function 3
Select the spindle function.
A function is allocated to each bit.
Set this in hexadecimal format.
bit F-D :
Not used. Set to "0".
bit C : shgn SHG control in interpolation mode
0: Stop 1: Start
When using the OMR-FF control, set to "0".
bit B :
Not used. Set to "0".
bit A : pyn Excitation rate selection in interpolation mode
0: Select Excitation rate 1 1: Select Excitation rate 2
bit 9 : vgn Speed loop gain set selection in interpolation mode
0: Select Set 1 1: Select Set 2
bit 8-3 :
Not used. Set to "0".
bit 2 : pyin Excitation rate selection in non-interpolation mode
The excitation rate after the in-position can be selected.
0: Select Excitation rate 1 1: Select Excitation rate 2
bit 1 : vgin Speed loop gain set selection in non-interpolation mode
The speed loop gain set after the in-position can be selected.
0: Select Set 1 1: Select Set 2
bit 0 :
Not used. Set to "0".