Appendix 7 - 3
MDS-D2/DH2 Series Instruction Manual
Appendix 7.1 Higher Harmonic Suppression Measure Guidelines
Appendix 7.1.1 Calculating the Equivalent Capacity of the Higher Harmonic Generator
As a principle, the higher harmonic suppression measure guidelines must be followed by the customer.
(1) Calculating the total equivalent capacity (Step 1)
Calculate the total equivalent capacity with the following expression.
Total equivalent circuit: Po = Σ • Ki • Pi
Ki :Conversion coefficient (Refer to following table)
Pi :Rated input capacity of each device
(Table 1) Rated capacity of each unit
(Note) The rated capacity Pi above, is the value used to calculate whether the product corresponds to the higher
harmonic guidelines. Thus, the value will differ from the actual power facility's capacity.
(The power supply unit is not included.)
(Table 2) Circuit class and conversion coefficient for each unit
(Note) This applies when an AC reactor is installed on the power supply unit.
(Table 3) Limit values for total equivalent capacity
If the total equivalent capacity Po exceeds the limit value given in (Table 3), proceed to "(2) Calculating the higher
harmonic current flow".
Measures are not required if the value is not exceeded.
Unit type
Rated input
pi [kVA]
Unit type
Rated input
pi [kVA]
Unit type
Rated input
pi [kVA]
D2- DH2- D2- DH2- D2- DH2-
SP-40 SP-20 4.61 V1-20 V1-10 1.0 V2-2020 V2-1010 2.0
SP-80 SP-40 6.77 V1-40 V1-20 1.6 V2-4020 V2-2010 2.6
SP-160 SP-80 13.1 V1-80 V1-40 2.7 V2-4040 V2-2020 3.2
SP-200 SP-100 21.8 V1-160 V1-80 5.9 V2-8040 V2-4020 4.3
SP-240 - 25.9 V1-160W V1-80W 9 V2-8080 V2-4040 5.4
SP-320 SP-160 34.7 V1-320 V1-160 11.5 V2-16080 V2-8040 8.6
SP-400 SP-200 42.8 V1-320W V1-160W 13.1 V2-160160 V2-8080 11.8
SP-640 SP-320 63.7 V1-200 21.7 V2-8080W 18.0
SP-480 86.8 V3-202020 3.0
V3-404040 4.8
Name Model
Circuit type
Servo drive unit MDS-D2/DH2-V1/V2/V3 Series 3
3-phase bridge (with smoothing capacitor)
With AC reactor (Note 1)
Spindle drive unit MDS-D2/DH2-SP Series 3
3-phase bridge (with smoothing capacitor)
With AC reactor (Note 1)
Incoming voltage Total of 6-pulse equivalent capacity
6.6kV 50kVA
22/33kV 300kVA
66kV or more 2,000kVA