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MDS-D2/DH2 Series Instruction Manual
4.2 Setting the Initial Parameters for the Servo Drive Unit
【#2220(PR)】 SV020 RNG2 Main side encoder resolution
Set the number of pulses per revolution of the motor side encoder.
OSA18 (-A48) (260,000 p/rev) ----------- SV020 = 260
OSA105 (-A51) (1,000,000 p/rev) ------- SV020 = 1000
OSA166 (-A74N) (16,000,000 p/rev) ----- SV020 = 16000
For linear motor
Set the number of pulses of the encoder per magnetic pole pitch with SV118.
For direct-drive motor
Set the number of pulses per revolution of the motor side encoder.
For 1000 pulse unit resolution encoder, set the number of pulses to SV020 in increments of 1000
In this case, make sure to set SV118 to "0". For high-accuracy binary resolution encoder, set the
number of pulses to four bite data of SV118 (high-order) and SV020 (low-order) in pulse(p) unit.
SV118 = number of pulses / 65536 (when =0, set "-1" to SV118)
SV019 = the remainder of "number of pulses / 65536"
When the NC is C70 and "SV020 > 32767", set "the reminder of above - 65536 (negative number)"
to "SV020".
---Setting range---
When SV118 = 0, the setting range is from 0 to 32767 (kp)
When SV118 ≠ 0
For M700V, M70V, M70, E70: 0 to 65535 (p)
For C70: -32768 to 32767 (p)
【#2221】 SV021 OLT Overload detection time constant
Normally, set to "60". (For machine tool builder adjustment.)
Related parameters: SV022
---Setting range---
1 to 999 (s)
【#2222】 SV022 OLL Overload detection level
Set the "Overload 1" (Alarm 50) current detection level as percentage to the stall current.
Normally set this parameter to "150". (For machine tool builder adjustment.)
Related parameters: SV021
---Setting range---
110 to 500 (Stall current %)
【#2223】 SV023 OD1 Excessive error detection width during servo ON
Set the excessive error detection width in servo ON.
When set to "0", the excessive error alarm detection will be ignored, so do not set to "0".
<Standard setting value>
OD1=OD2= (Rapid traverse rate [mm/min]) / (60×PGN1) / 2 [mm]
Related parameters: SV026
---Setting range---
0 to 32767 (mm)
However, when SV084/bitC=1, the setting range is from 0 to 32767 (μm).
【#2224】 SV024 INP In-position detection width
Set the in-position detection width.
Set the positioning accuracy required for the machine.
The lower the setting is, the higher the positioning accuracy will be. However the cycle time (settling
time) becomes longer.
The standard setting value is "50".
---Setting range---
0 to 32767 (μm)