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MDS-D2/DH2 Series Instruction Manual
5.6 Protective Functions
5.6.3 Collision Detection Function
Collision detection function quickly detects a collision of the motor shaft, and decelerates and stops the motor. This
suppresses the generation of an excessive torque in the machine tool, and helps to prevent an abnormal state from
occurring. Impact at a collision will not be prevented by using this collision detection function, so this function does not
necessarily guarantee that the machine tool will not be damaged or that the machine accuracy will be maintained after a
collision. The same caution as during regular operation is required to prevent the machine from colliding.
(1) Collision detection method 1
The required torque for the command is estimated from the position command issued from the NC, and the
disturbance torque is obtained from the difference with the actual torque. When this disturbance torque exceeds the
collision detection level set with the parameters, the motor will decelerate to a stop with a torque 80% (standard)
value of the motor's maximum torque. After decelerating to a stop, alarm 58 or 59 will occur, and the system will
The collision detection level for rapid traverse (G0) is set with SV060: TLMT. The collision detection level for cutting
feed (G1) is set to 0 to 7-fold (SV35.clG1) based on the collision detection level for rapid traverse. When clG1 is set
to 0, collision detection method 1 will not function during cutting feed. If SV060 is set to 0, all collision detection
(including methods 1 and 2) will not function.
Collision detection level setting parameter Detected alarm
During rapid traverse (During G0 feed) SV060 Alarm 58
During cutting feed (During G1 feed) SV060 × c1G1 (SV035) Alarm 59
The collision detection function does not guarantee safety or machine accuracy when a collision occurs.
Thus, the same caution as during regular operation is required to prevent the machine from colliding.
Collision detection function outline
(a) A collision of machine is detected.
(b) A retracting torque is generated.
The collision of machine is reduced.
Speed command
torque (stall%)
Unbalance torque
G0 collision detection
level (SV060)
Collision detection method
1, detection range
(alarm 58/59)
G1 feed (cutting feed)G0 feed (rapid traverse)
G1 collision detection
level (SV060
Alarm detection range for collision detection method 1