Appendix 5 - 6
Appendix 5 EMC Installation Guidelines
Appendix 5.5.3 Servo/Spindle Motor Power Cable
Power cable for servo motor
Power cable for spindle motor
[1] Use four wires (3-phase + earthing) for the power cable that are completely shielded and free from breaks.
[2] Earth the shield on both the control panel side and motor chassis side.
[3] Earth the shield with a metal P clip or U clip.
(A cable clamp fitting can be used depending on the wire size.)
[4] Directly earth the shield. Do not solder the braided shield onto a wire and earth the end of the wire.
[5] When not using a shield cable for the power cable, use a conventional cabtyre cable. Use a metal conduit outside
the cable.
[6] Earth the power cable on the control panel side at the contact surface of the conduit connector and control panel.
(Mask the side wall of the control panel with paint.)
[7] Follow the treatment shown in the example for the conduit connector to earth the power cable on the motor side.
(Example: Use a clamp fitting, etc.)
Control panel
To drive unit
Earth with P or U clip
Shield cable
Servo motor
To drive unit
Control panel
Earth with paint mask
Conduit connector
Servo motor
Cabtyre cable
Using shield cable
Using conduit
Control panel
Control panel
To drive unit
Earth with P or U clip
Shield cable
Terminal box
Spindle motor
To drive unit
Cabtyre cable
Earth with paint mask
Conduit connector
Terminal box
Using shield cable
Using conduit
Conduit connector
Cannon connector
To earthing
Clamp fitting