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【#13054】 SP054 ORE Overrun detection width in closed loop control
Set the overrun detection width in the full-closed loop control.
When the gap between the motor side encoder and the machine side encoder exceeds the set
value, it is judged as an overrun and "Alarm 43" is detected.
When "-1" is set, if the differential velocity between the motor side encoder and the machine side
encoder exceeds the 30% of the maximum motor speed, it will be judged as overrun and "Alarm 43"
will be detected.
When "0" is set, overrun will be detected with 2°.
In the full-closed loop control, normally set this parameter to "360". During V-belt drive, set to "-1".
---Setting range---
-1 to 32767 (° )
< Setting parameters of a proximity switch >
Set the following parameters when a proximity switch is equipped with the spindle end.
【#13227】 SP227 SFNC7 Spindle function 7
bit F-C : dis Digital signal input selection
0: No signal
1: SLS (Safely Limited Speed) function door state signal
4: Proximity switch signal detection
Other settings: setting prohibited
【#13225】 SP225 SFNC5 Spindle function 5
bit 5 : ddir Proximity switch signal enable edge
0: Falling edge 1: Rising edge
【#3106】 zrn_typ Zero point return specifications
bit F : Spindle zero point detection with contactless switch
0: Normal 1: Enable spindle zero point detection using proximity switch
< Cautions for starting the spindle >
The test operation (acceleration/deceleration, orientation) of the spindle can be executed by setting the initial
parameters, however, check the spindle operation with caution.
- Check the wiring and ensure the safety of the surroundings before starting the operation.
- Do not operate at high-speed rotation at first. After checking that there are no problems as abnormal noise,
vibration, etc. from the spindle at start up with no-load and small S commands, raise the S commands
- When vibration or abnormal noise occurs during the test operation, adjust or set the speed gain or the notch
- For the first check of the orientation, the orientation should be executed gradually from small S commands.