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5 Servo Adjustment
(2) Servo control input 2
bit9. Speed monitor command valid (SSW)
When speed monitor command is valid, SSW=1 (valid) is set.
bitA. In door closed (controller) (NCDC)
When "In door closed" signal for controller is valid, NCDC =1 (valid) is set.
bitB. In door closed (all drive units) (SRVDC)
When the theoretical sum of "In door closed" signals for all drive units is valid, SRVDC =1 (valid) is set.
(Note) The bits other than those above are used for maintenance.
(3) Servo control input 3
bit0. Control axis detachment command (AXF)
The control axis is detached at AXF=1.
(Note) The bits other than those above are used for maintenance.
Speed monitor command valid
In door closed (controller)
In door closed (all drive units)
Control axis detachment command