4 - 16
4.2.4 Setting of Speed Command Synchronous Control
This section explains about the setting of the speed command synchronous control of the full closed loop control. The
servo parameter setting during the position command synchronous control is same as single axis.
【#2225(PR)】 SV025 MTYP Motor/Encoder type
Set the position encoder type for the secondary axis to "D". The same value is set for 2-axis drive
unit, 3-axis drive unit and two 1-axis drive units.
bit F-C : pen Position encoder
Speed command synchronization control primary axis : pen=A
Speed command synchronization control secondary axis : pen=D
1. When performing the speed command synchronous control with 2-axis drive unit (MDS-D2/DH2-V2), make sure to set L-
axis as primary axis. When performing the speed command synchronous control with 3-axis drive unit (MDS-D2-V3),
make sure to set L-axis as primary axis and M-axis as secondary axis.
2. The rectangular waveform output scale is not available for the speed command synchronous control.
3. The distance-coded reference scale is not available for the speed command synchronous control.
4. When using speed command synchronization control, the following setting of NC side is required.
- Set bit3 of #1281:ext17 to "0" and disable the synchronous error automatic correction function at servo ON.
- Set #1064:svof of the primary axis and secondary axis to "0" and disable the error correction at servo OFF for both
- The parameter settings related to the machine error compensation such as quadrant protrusion compensation must be
the same for the primary axis and secondary axis.