Appendix 3 - 4
Appendix 3 D/A Output Specifications for Drive Unit
(Servo control signal)
(Note) For details on the servo signals, refer to the section "Servo control signal".
Servo control input (NC to Servo) Servo control output (Servo to NC)
No. Details No. Details
16384 Servo control input 1-0 READY ON command 16480 Servo control output 1-0 In READY ON
16385 Servo control input 1-1 Servo ON command 16481 Servo control output 1-1 In servo ON
16388 Servo control input 1-4
Position loop gain
changeover command
16484 Servo control output 1-4
In position loop gain
16390 Servo control input 1-6
Excessive error detection
width changeover
16486 Servo control output 1-6
In excessive error detection
width changeover
16391 Servo control input 1-7 Alarm reset command 16487 Servo control output 1-7 In alarm
16392 Servo control input 1-8
Current limit selection
16488 Servo control output 1-8 In current limit selection
16492 Servo control output 1-C In in-position
16493 Servo control output 1-D In current limit
16494 Servo control output 1-E In absolute position data loss
16495 Servo control output 1-F In warning
16496 Servo control output 2-0 Z phase passed
16499 Servo control output 2-3 In zero speed
16503 Servo control output 2-7 In external emergency stop
16409 Servo control input 2-9
Speed monitor command
16505 Servo control output 2-9 In speed monitor
16410 Servo control input 2-A In door closed (controller) 16506 Servo control output 2-A In door closed (controller)
16411 Servo control input 2-B
In door closed (all drive
16507 Servo control output 2-B
In door closed (self drive
16416 Servo control input 3-0
Control axis detachment
16512 Servo control output 3-0 In control axis detachment
16472 Servo control input 6-8
Drivers communication
control request
16568 Servo control output 6-8
In drivers communication