4 - 12
(4) When using MBA405W with the machine side encoder
The absolute position in a rotation is decided by detecting Z-phase signal with the main head (Z-phase signal position
mark passes the main head) at initial power ON for MBA405W although it is an absolute encoder. Once this is
completed, the absolute position is kept by the battery connected to the drive unit even if the power turns OFF.
Therefore, unlike other absolute position encoders (such as OSA105), the following setup is required at initial power ON.
1. Alarm 37 / error number 2454 is detected before the initial setup operation, but this is not a fault. The alarm will be
cleared after the initial setup is completed and by turning the NC power ON again.
2. The NC monitor displays "MB*405W" before the initial setup is completed. It will be correctly displayed as "MBA405W"
after the initial setup is completed.
1. The absolute position data will immediately be lost if the cable between the drive unit and preamp of MBA405W or the
battery is removed. When the cable between the drive unit and encoder is disconnected, perform the setup above again.
2. Replace the batteries with new ones immediately after the battery voltage drop alarm (9F) has been output.
Replace the batteries while applying the drive unit's control power.
#2049 type
SV019 RNG1
SV020 RNG2
Start the initial setup
Perform with the following
parameter setting.
Full-closed loop
Setting value
Set the resolution for
main side encoder
NC monitor displays "MB 405W"
at initial setup
Connect the battery.
[1] NC power ON
[2] Is alarm 25 detected?
Drive unit / NC power ON again
[3] Release the emergency stop
When passing Z-phase without using the
power, always perform at an emergency
stop state.
Pass Z-phase by driving the motor with
manual or JOG operation
*Check the following on NC monitor
- The count up of the cycle counter
[5] Emergency stop
Set the parameter for enabling the absolute
position control
Set the absolute position zero point alignment
method of the system to the axis specification
parameter #2049.
[7] NC power ON again
Initial setup completed
When the display of the following NC
monitor changes to a different polarity
by moving the axis, check the encoder
installation polarity.
"Diagn"→"Drv mon"
→"Motor end FB" and
"Machine end FB"
< Encoder installation polarity >
= 0 (Forward polarity)
1 (Reverse polarity)
Check the encoder type displayed
on the following NC monitor.
"Diagn"→"Drv mon"
→"Machine end detector"
Check the NC monitor display for encoder type
- "MB*405W" display
(Alarm 37 / error number
is detected)
Check whether Z-phase is passed
- "MBE405W" display
Check whether the correct encoder is used
[8] Is the display for encoder type
and drive LED "A3" display disappeared?