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MDS-D2/DH2 Series Instruction Manual
4.3 Setting the Initial Parameters for the Spindle Drive Unit
【#3106】 zrn_typ Zero point return specifications
Select the zero point return specification.
Functions are allocated to each bit.
Set this in hexadecimal format.
bit F : Spindle zero point detection with contactless switch
0: Normal 1: Enable spindle zero point detection using proximity switch
bit E : Control mode selection in orientation
Select non-interpolation mode when vibration occurs since the gain is high during the orientation.
0: Interpolation mode (Use the interpolation mode gain "SP002".)
1: Non-interpolation mode (Use the non-interpolation mode gain "SP001")
bit D-B :
Not used. Set to "0".
bit A-9 : Spindle/C axis zero point return direction
00: Short-cut
01: Forward run
10: Reverse run
bit 8 : Designate zero point return
0: Compatible operation with our conventional series (Automatically return to zero point
simultaneously with C-axis changeover)
1: Standard setting
bit 7 : Synchronous tapping command polarity
0: Forward direction
1: Reverse direction (The standard setting when spindle and motor are directly coupled)
bit 6-5 : Synchronous tapping zero point return direction
bit 6,5=
00: Short-cut
01: Forward run
10: Reverse run
bit 4 : Designate zero point return
0: Automatically return to zero point before synchronous tapping is started (tapping phase
1: Not return to zero point and immediately synchronous tapping is started
bit 3 :
Not used. Set to "0".
bit 2-1 : Orientation direction
bit 2,1=
00: Short-cut
01: Forward run
10: Reverse run
bit 0 : Z phase detection direction
0: Forward direction 1: Reverse direction
Interpolation mode selection in orientation
Z phase detection direction
Orientation direction
Synchronous tapping zero point return/Deceleration stop designation
Synchronous tapping zero point return direction
Synchronous tapping command polarity
Spindle/C axis zero point return/Deceleration stop designation
Spindle/C axis zero point return direction
Spindle zero point proximity switch detection