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MDS-D2/DH2 Series Instruction Manual
4.2 Setting the Initial Parameters for the Servo Drive Unit
【#2217(PR)】 SV017 SPEC1 Servo specification 1
Select the servo specifications.
A function is allocated to each bit.
Set this in hexadecimal format.
bit F-C : spm Motor series selection
0: Not used
1: 200V HF, HP motor (Standard)
2: Not used
3: 400V HF-H, HP-H motor (Standard)
6: 200V LM-F linear motor
7: 200V direct-drive motor
8: 400V LM-F linear motor
9: 400V direct-drive motor
bit B :
Not used. Set to "0".
bit A : drvup Combined drive unit:
- For MDS-DM2/D2-V3 Series
0: Normal setting (Combined drive unit: normal)
1: Combined drive unit: one upgrade
bit 9 :
Not used. Set to "0".
bit 8 : mp MPI scale pole number setting
0: 360 poles 1: 720 poles
bit 7 : abs Position control
These parameters are set automatically by the NC system.
0: Incremental 1: Absolute position control
bit 6-5 :
Not used. Set to "0".
bit 4 : sdir Sub side encoder feedback
Set the machine side encoder's installation polarity.
0: Forward polarity 1: Reverse polarity
bit 3 : vfb Speed feedback filter
0: Stop 1: Start (2250Hz)
bit 2 : seqh Ready on sequence
0: Normal 1: High-speed
bit 1 : dfbx Dual feedback control
Control the position FB signal in full closed control by the combination of a motor side encoder and
machine side encoder.
0: Stop 1: Start
Related parameters: SV051, SV052