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1 Installation
【#13017(PR)】 SP017 SPEC1 Spindle specification 1
bit 4 : fdir Position feedback
Set the machine side encoder's installation polarity.
0: Forward polarity 1: Reverse polarity
【#13018(PR)】 SP018 SPEC2 Spindle specification 2
bit 1 : oplp Open loop control
This allows the operation in which no encoder feedback signals are used.
It is used when adjusting the encoder, etc.
0: Disable 1: Enable
【#13113】 SP113 OPLP Current command value for open loop
Set the current command value for when the open loop control is enabled.
When "0" is set, the state will be the same as when "50" is set.
When not using, set to "0".
The open loop control is enabled when "SP018/bit1" is set to "1".
---Setting range---
0 to 999 (Short-time rated %)