5 - 12
5 Servo Adjustment
< Initial implementation >
When using OMR-FF function, perform the following adjustment items beforehand. The adjustment for OMR-
FF function does not operate correctly if the following items are not performed.
< Setting method >
(1) Confirm that OMR-FF function is invalid.
#2139 : omrff_off= "1"
#2213 : SV113(SSF8)/bit0(omrffon) = "0"
(2) Set the standard parameters for the motor to be used.
(3) Enable SHG control.
Set #2203 : SV003(PGN1) to the standard setting, "33".
Set #2204 : SV004(PGN2) to "88".
Set #2257 : SV057(SHGC) to "198".
Set #2208 : SV008(VIA) to "1900".
(4) Adjust the speed loop gain. Adjust so that VGN1 is an appropriate value (the result of frequency response
measurement on NC Analyzer is "Gain Margin > 8dB / Phase Margin > 30deg").
-> For the adjustment method, refer to the section "6.1.2 (3) Adjusting the speed loop parameter".
(5) Confirm that acceleration/deceleration operation can be executed with no alarm.
(6) Set SV035(SSF4)/bitF(clt) to "1" and repeat acceleration/deceleration several times. Check the estimated
inertia value on the NC monitor screen and set the displayed value to SV037(JL).
(7) Set SV003(PGN1) .
Check "Cross Freq (Hz)" with frequency response measurement on NC Analyzer.
SV003(PGN1) = "Cross Freq (Hz)" × 2π / 4
(Example 1) Measurement value Cross Freq : 100Hz
Since 100(Hz) × 2π / 4 ≒ 157, set SV003(PGN1) to 157.
* The value of SV003(PGN1) must be set for each axis to be used.
【#2139】 omrff_off OMR-FF invalid
Select whether to enable or temporarily disable the OMR-FF control when OMR-FF is valid.
0 : OMR-FF function is applied if OMR-FF function is enabled.
1 : OMR-FF function is temporarily disabled and conventional feed forward control is applied if
OMR-FF function is enabled.