Configuring and Using Virtual Media 125
How can I make my USB key bootable? Dell provides a Windows utility for formatting its USB
Solid State devices as bootable devices on the
Resource CD that ships with a Dell system. You
can use this utility to make the Memory Key bootable.
You can also use the utility to format the Memory Key,
to add an active partition, and to transfer basic
system files to the Memory Key.
This utility is also available on the Dell Support
website at support.dell.com. You can find the utility
by searching for "Memory Key Boot."
What does Virtual Media look like at the server? On Windows systems, you see additional CD and
removable media drives appear in "My Computer."
Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems, you see devices
that can be mounted. You can find the device names
by looking at /etc/fstab.
How do I know which drives are my
media drives?
When you connect your management station drive to
the managed system drive then the title of the
inserted media should automatically appear next to
the drive letter on Windows systems. However, the
best way to know which drive is the virtual media drive
and which is the physical drive is by
opening/mounting the drive and looking at
Will the drive letters change on
Generally, the drive letters will not change. So if you
have a CD drive that is labeled
D: and a removable
media drive that is labeled
F:, then those drive letters
will remain the same.
Table 7-1. Using Virtual Media: Frequently Asked Questions (continued)
Question Answer