Managing and Recovering a Remote System 79
Troubleshooting Alerting Problems
You can use logged SNMP trap information to troubleshoot a particular type of DRAC 4 alert.
SNMP trap deliveries are logged in the Trace Log by default. However, since SNMP does not
confirm delivery of traps, it is best to trace the packets on the managed system using a network
analyzer or a tool such as Microsoft’s snmputil.
Drac 4 Log Messages
Administrators can use DRAC 4 log messages to debug alerting from the DRAC 4. Table 4-31
provides a list of the DRAC 4 log message ID numbers, messages, and suggested actions to take.
NOTE: In Table 4-31, the following characters, that represent the severity level or type of message, are
sometimes appended to the message identifier that is displayed in the Message ID column: W (warning),
E (error), S (severe), F (fatal), or A (always).
0x5030 EADDRINUSE: Address is already in use.
0x5031 EADDRNOTAVAIL: Address not available.
0x5033 ENETUNREACH: Network is unreachable.
0x5035 ECONNABORTED: The connection has been aborted by the peer.
0x5036 ECONNRESET: The connection has been reset by the peer.
0x5037 ENOBUFS: An internal buffer is required but cannot be allocated.
0x5038 EISCONN: The socket is already connected.
0x5039 ENOTCONN: The socket is not connected.
0x503B ETOOMANYREFS: Too many references, cannot splice.
0x503C ETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out.
0x503D ECONNREFUSED: The connection attempt was refused.
0x5041 EHOSTUNREACH: The destination host could not be reached.
0x5046 ENIDOWN: NI_INIT returned -1.
0x5047 ENMTU: The MTU is invalid.
0x5048 ENHWL: The hardware length is invalid.
0x5049 ENNOFIND: The route specified cannot be found.
0x504A ECOLL: Collision in select call; these conditions already selected by another task.
0x504B ETID: The task ID is invalid.
Table 4-30. DRAC 4 Network Error Codes (continued)
Error Code Description