72 Managing and Recovering a Remote System
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Session Information
This section provides information about DRAC 4 sessions.
NOTE: Closing the browser without gracefully logging out causes the session to remain open until it
times out. It is strongly recommended that you click the logout button to end the session; otherwise, the
session remains active until the session time-out is reached.
Session Status
Recovering and Troubleshooting the Managed System
This section explains how to perform tasks related to recovering and troubleshooting a crashed
remote system using the DRAC 4 Web-based interface. For information about troubleshooting
your DRAC 4, see "
• First Steps to Troubleshoot a Remote System
• Managing Power on a Remote System
• Using the SEL
• Using the DRAC 4 Log
• Viewing the Last System Crash Screen
• Using the Diagnostic Console
Table 4-21. Session Status Fields
Field Description
Valid Sessions Current number of DRAC 4 Web-based interface sessions (equal to the
number of users that are logged on to the DRAC 4)
Unused Sessions Current number of unused sessions; the DRAC 4 is capable of supporting up to
4 concurrent sessions (maximum of 4 Web sessions, 4 Telnet sessions, 1
session, and 4 remote racadm CLI sessions)
Session Type Current session type (Web, Telnet, or Serial)
Session User Name of the user initiating the session
User's IP Address IP address of the system from which the user is connecting to the DRAC 4
Login Date/Time Time and date that the user logged in according to the DRAC 4 internal clock
Active Consoles One of the following consoles per session:
Console Redirect — A console redirection session is active
Virtual Media — A virtual media session is active