Operating System Deployment Using the DRAC 4 Virtual Media CLI Feature 143
Operating System Deployment Using the
DRAC 4 Virtual Media CLI Feature
To accomplish remote operating system deployments for multiple target servers, interactive
methods are time consuming, and error-prone. The DRAC 4 Virtual Media command line
interface (VM-CLI) utility supports cost-effective, scripted methods for accomplishing remote
operating system
deployments to multiple target servers. Typically, a deployment infrastructure
is already in place, within computing environments that require multiple remote operating
system deployments. This section describes how the VM-CLI utility can be integrated into your
existing deployment infrastructure in these computing environments.
NOTE: For occasional, one-time operating system deployments, interactive methods of performing the
installation are typically used. A Dell™ technical publication describing how this procedure can be
accomplished remotely with the use of DRAC 4 Virtual Media features is available on the Dell website at:
Ensure that your deployment infrastructure meets the following requirements before you start
using the DRAC 4 VM-CLI utility to accomplish remote operating system installations:
Each remote target server requires DRAC 4 hardware, whose network interface is operational
and accessible from the deployment host (which is the client system used to perform the
remote deployment).
NOTE: Dell Custom Factory Integration (CFI) options include the capability to have the network
interface of DRAC 4 configured by default, to obtain its network address from a DHCP server. With
this capability, the new DRAC 4 hardware obtains a unique network address and name out-of-the-box
(the DRAC 4 network name is based on the host’s unique service tag).
The virtual devices on each remote target server must be at the top of the BIOS boot order, so
that the target server’s virtual devices can be booted, when media is connected to them.
NOTE: Dell Custom Factory Integration (CFI) options include the capability to have the Virtual
Devices of DRAC 4 configured by default, at the top of the BIOS boot order. With this capability, the
new server hardware can boot from its Virtual Media devices out-of-the-box.