128 Using the serial and racadm Commands
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To connect to the managed system text console, type connect com2 from the DRAC 4
command prompt (displayed through Minicom or HyperTerminal).
NOTE: When accessing a DOS console through connect com2, characters in the output may be dropped
during the output of large amounts of data (for example, the dump of large files greater than 30 lines).
This can cause incorrect displays in connect com2 over telnet sessions. Red Hat
Enterprise Linux and
the Microsoft
Special Administration Console (SAC) work correctly.
connect com2 also supports the -h option. This option displays the history of the last characters
written to the text console. The default (and maximum) size of the history buffer is 8192
characters. You can set this number to a smaller value using the command:
racadm config -g cfgSerial -o cfgSerialHistorySize
The connect -h com2 command displays the contents of the serial history buffer before
waiting for input from the keyboard or new characters from the serial port.
NOTE: The terminal emulation type (ANSI or VT100) of the client terminal must match the type on the
server serial port output when using the -h option; otherwise, the output may be garbled. In addition, the
number of rows of the client terminal must be set to 25.
Viewing a List of Serial/Telnet Commands
Ty pe help to display the entire serial/telnet command list. Commands that are not supported
on the system or interface that you are using are labeled as such. For example, if a specific
command is not supported on the system, the following text is displayed next to the command:
If you type a command that is not supported on the system you are using, an error similar to the
following is displayed.
setsvctag: Firmware: UNSUPPORTED COMMAND
Ta b le 8-1 lists the serial/telnet commands. These commands are also supported as racadm
commands. The descriptions and "man page" information including required syntax for the
serial/telnet commands are identical for the racadm command. You do not need to type
racadm before typing a serial/telnet command because the serial/telnet commands are not
racadm commands. They are at the same level. For detailed information about the required
syntax for each racadm command see "
racadm Subcommand Man Pages."
Table 8-1. Serial/Telnet Commands
Command Description
help Lists DRAC 4 commands.
help <subcommand> Lists the usage statement for the specified subcommand.
logout Logs out of a DRAC 4 session and then prints a new login prompt.
quit Logs out of a DRAC 4 session and then prints a new login prompt.
exit Logs out of a DRAC 4 session and then prints a new login prompt.