Managing and Recovering a Remote System 59
Configuring User email Alerts
Enabling User email Alerts
Use the information in Table 4-3 to enable email alerts.
Configuring email Alerts by Severity
The information under email Alerts in the Web-based interface enables you to select which
events, according to their severity, will cause an email alert to be sent. Select the severity of the
temperature, voltage, fan, or miscellaneous sensor for which you want an email alert generated.
You can specify three severities: Informational (lowest severity), Warning (medium severity),
and Severe (highest severity). Alerts will be sent to the email address you typed in
Enabling User email Alerts. For information about each email alert severity type, see Ta b le 4-4.
Table 4-2. User Group Permissions
User Group Permissions Granted
Administrator Login to DRAC 4, Configure DRAC 4, Configure Users, Clear Logs, Execute
Server Control Commands, Access Console Redirection, Access Virtual Media,
Test Alerts, Execute Diagnostic Commands, and receive email alerts
Power User Login to DRAC 4, Clear Logs, Execute Server Control Commands, Access
Console Redirection, Access Virtual Media, Test Alerts, and receive email alerts
(if Enabled)
Guest User Login to DRAC 4, and receive email alerts (if Enabled)
email Alerts Only Receive email alerts (if Enabled)
Custom Allows you to select any combination of the following permissions: Login to
DRAC 4, Configure DRAC 4, Configure Users, Clear Logs, Execute Server
Action Commands, Access Console Redirection, Access Virtual Media, Test
Alerts, Execute Diagnostic Commands, and receive email alerts (if Enabled)
Table 4-3. Enable email Alert Properties
Property Description
Enable email Alerts Enables the DRAC 4 email alerts feature and allows you to select which
events, according to their severity, will cause an email alert to be sent.
email Address Allows you to specify the email address to which alerts are sent.
Message Allows you to specify the email message text.