DRAC 4 Property Database Group and Object Definitions 217
This group contains parameters to configure the DRAC 4 Virtual Media feature. One instance
of the group is allowed. The following subsections describe the objects in this group.
cfgFloppyEmulation (Read/Write)
NOTE: To modify this property, you must have Configure DRAC 4 permission.
Legal Values
1 or 0 (True or False)
0 (False) is the default setting, causing the DRAC 4 IDE Option ROM utility to display DELL
VIRTUALS-120 instead of VIRTUALFLOPPY DRIVE. Operating systems, such as
, assign drive letters A or B to the RAC Virtual Floppy drive and configure
the drive as a floppy drive. The RAC Virtual CD is required to assign drive letters D and higher.
cfgVirMediaDisable (Read/Write)
NOTE: To modify this property, you must have Configure DRAC 4 permission.
Legal Values
1 or 0 (Disabled or Enabled)
0 (Enabled)
0 (Enabled) enables the Dell™ Virtual floppy on the next system restart.
1 (Disabled) disables the Dell Virtual floppy and CD-ROM on the next system restart. After restart:
• The operating system cannot access the drives.
• The virtual devices do not appear in the BIOS Setup screen.
The DRAC 4 IDE Option ROM utility displays the following messages when this feature is disabled:
Drive Number: 0 failed to detect Virtual device
Drive Number: 1 failed to detect Virtual device
NOTE: You must restart your system to enable all changes.