Configuring the DRAC 4 to Use a Serial or Telnet Text Console 43
Configuring the DRAC 4 to Use a Serial or
Telnet Text Console
The DRAC 4 provides serial and telnet command interfaces designed to perform all of the
configuration and systems management functions using the DRAC 4 Web-based interface or
racadm CLI.
The following section provides information about the serial/telnet text console features, and
explains how to set up your system so you can perform systems management actions through a
serial/telnet console.
Serial and Telnet Console Features
The DRAC 4 supports the following serial and telnet console redirection features:
• One serial client connection and up to four telnet client connections at one time
NOTE: When a telnet login is invalid, a single session is counted toward the maximum of four
sessions for approximately one minute after the invalid login attempt. If there are already three
valid sessions, this invalid session will prevent further login attempts for that minute.
• Access to the managed system consoles through the system serial port and through the
• Serial/telnet console commands that allow you to power-on, power-off, power-cycle, reset,
view logs, view sensor status, or configure the DRAC 4
• Serial/telnet console support for the
command, which is useful for scripting
• Command line editing and history
connect com2
serial command to connect, view, and interact with the managed system text
console that is being output through a serial port (including BIOS and the operating system)
NOTE: If you are running Red Hat
Enterprise Linux on the managed system, the connect com2
serial command provides a true Red Hat Enterprise Linux console stream interface.