154 racadm Subcommand Man Pages
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The coredump subcommand displays detailed information, including register values, recorded
when the most recent bus error occurred, or the message No CORE dump available
a previous bus error has not occurred, or if the data has been cleared).
This bus error information is persistent across power cycles of the DRAC 4—the data remains in
the flash memory of the DRAC 4 until either:
• It is cleared using the
• Another bus error occurs, replacing the previous information with the more recent bus
error information.
See the coredumpdelete subcommand for information about deleting this information.
Output Example
FW d_cmdCoreDump:
Last CORE dump at Wed, 23 Oct 2004 15:49:41 GMT-05:00
Data Access Abort Running: 'IPEV' -#005E0000
CPSR = A0000013 (NzCv if SVC32) SP =018616DC LR =01023C34
R0 =D000AEB2 R1 =01151C1C R2 =0186179C R3 =00000007 R4 =01861700
R5 =C854E35C R6 =018617A0 R7 =00000011 R8 =01383C44 R9 =F1C729C6
R10=00000004 R11=01151C1C R12=0000005F USP=DEADBEEF ULR=00000000
SSP=018616DC SLR=01023C34 SPSR_svc=60000013
PC =01151C88-01151C88:
Image ID: jon Wed Oct 23 14:55:53 CDT 2004
Sysuptime: 67f
FIQ stack
binary data
IRQ stack
binary data
UNDEF stack
binary data
ABORT stack
binary data
SVC stack