DRAC 4 Property Database Group and Object Definitions 183
DRAC 4 Property Database Group and
Object Definitions
The DRAC 4 property database contains the configuration information for the DRAC 4. Data is
organized by associated object, and objects are organized by object group. The IDs for the
groups and objects that the property database supports are listed in this section.
Use the group and object IDs with the racadm utility to configure the DRAC 4. The following
sections describe each object and indicate whether the object is readable, writable, or both.
This group contains display parameters to provide information about the specifics of the
4 being queried.
One instance of the group is allowed. The following subsections describe the objects in this group.
idRacProductInfo (Read Only)
Legal Values
String of up to 63 ASCII characters.
Uses a text string to identify the product.
idRacDescriptionInfo (Read Only)
Legal Values
String of up to 255 ASCII characters.