Using the serial and racadm Commands 131
If you use the -r option, you must also use the -u and -p options to configure the DRAC 4 to
accept racadm commands. Using the
-r option without the previously listed options will result in
a command failure.
Enabling and Disabling the racadm Remote Capability
NOTE: It is recommended that you run these commands on your local system.
The racadm CLI remote capability is enabled by default. If you have disabled it, type the
following command to enable the remote capability:
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneRemoteRacadmEnable 1
Type the following command to disable the remote capability:
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o cfgRacTuneRemoteRacadmEnable 0
Log/Verbose Levels
Use the log/verbose level options in Table 8-4 to control how racadm command output is displayed.
racadm -l 0x3 -L log <
The argument 0x3 for the log level is the OR of STDOUT and STDERR messages. Both of
these message types are written to the file name log. The verbose, or
-v, option defaults to 0x3,
-l <lvl> Specifies the log level for debug.
NOTE: If you use the -l <lvl> option without using the -L <file> option, a
default log file named racadm.log is created in the current working
-v <lvl> Specifies the verbose level for screen output.
-L <file> Specifies a debug log file.
Table 8-4. Log/Verbose Level Options
Option Description
0x1 Standard output messages
0x2 Standard error messages
0x4 Debug messages
Table 8-3. racadm Command Options (continued)
Option Description