42 Installing and Setting Up the DRAC 4
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Additional Information
Removing the DRAC 4
The removal of expansion cards, such as the DRAC 4, is documented in the Installation and
Troubleshooting Guide that came with your system.
Removing DRAC 4-Related Applications and Drivers
You must uninstall Server Administrator to remove the RAC module that was installed with
Server Administrator. Use Add or Remove Programs to uninstall Server Administrator.
You must also remove the RAC drivers from all locations in your device manager. To do so, go to
Control Panel and click System → Hardware → Device Manager.
For each of the following drivers, select the device, and then click Action → Uninstall.
• Remote Access Controller — RAC Virtual UART Port
• System Devices — RAC PCI Function 0
• System Devices — RAC PCI Function 2
In addition, review all Active Directory RAC Objects associated with the removed DRAC 4
expansion card to ensure proper security.