194 DRAC 4 Property Database Group and Object Definitions
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cfgUserAdminUserName (Read/Write)
NOTE: To modify this property, you must have Configure Users permission.
Legal Values
A string of up to 19 ASCII characters.
The name of the user for this index. The user index is created by writing a string into this name
field if the index is empty. Writing a string of double quotes ("") deletes the user at that index.
You cannot change the name. You must delete and then recreate the name. The string must not
contain forward slash (/), backslash (\), period (.), at symbol (@). or quotations marks (").
NOTE: This command is the anchor for this indexed group.
cfgUserAdminPassword (Write Only)
NOTE: To modify this property, you must have Configure Users permission.
Legal Values
A string of up to 20 ASCII characters.
Table B-1. Bit Masks for User Privileges
User Privilege Bit Mask
Log In To DRAC 4 0x80000001
Configure DRAC 4 0x80000002
Configure Users 0x80000004
Clear Logs 0x80000008
Execute Server Control Commands 0x80000010
Access Console Redirection 0x80000020
Access Virtual Media 0x80000040
Test Alerts 0x80000080
Execute Debug Commands 0x80000100