DRAC 4 Property Database Group and Object Definitions 223
Alert Test Commands
You can test alerts using test commands. The racadm command has subcommands that test the
different types of alert interfaces. These object ID sets cause the firmware to execute the
subcommand with the option that indicates the test alert type to test. The test message is preset
in properties for each test alert type. The types of alerts are email and trap.
The following subsection describes the command interfaces and the operation of the
subcommand for each option.
Email Test Command
racadm testemail -i <
racadm testemail -u <
Alert Data Definitions
The email alert contains the following information: message (including test message, if a paging
test), event description, date, time, severity, system ID, model, BIOS version, asset tag, service
tag, managed system name, operating system name, and BMC version. The following is an
example test email (fields shown are examples only and may not reflect actual observed output
for your environment):
Subject: Alert from Dell Remote Access Card:
Message: TEST PAGE
Event: Email paging test to user 1
Date: 06-jun-2004
Time: 00:01:37
Severity: Info/Normal
cfgOobSnmp cfgOobSnmpTrapsEnable TRUE
cfgTraps cfgTrapsDestIpAddr
cfgTraps cfgTrapsEnable FALSE
cfgTraps cfgTrapsSnmpCommunity ""
cfgTraps cfgTrapsFilterRacEventMask 0x777777
cfgTraps cfgTrapsFilterSysEventMask 0x777777
Table B-5. Alert Filter Property Group and Object IDs (continued)
GroupID Object ID Object Default Value