150 racadm Subcommand Man Pages
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NOTE: To use this command, you must have Execute Diagnostic Commands permission.
Ta b le A-2 describes the arp command.
racadm arp
NOTE: To use this command, you must have Execute Debug Commands permission.
Ta b le A-3 describes the clearasrscreen subcommand.
racadm clearasrscreen
NOTE: To use the getconfig command, you must have Log In DRAC 4 permission.
Ta b le A-4 describes the config and getconfig subcommands.
Table A-2. arp Command
Command Definition
arp Displays the contents of the ARP table. ARP table entries
may not be added or deleted.
Table A-3. clearasrscreen
Subcommand Definition
clearasrscreen Clears the last crash screen that is in memory.
Table A-4. config/getconfig
Subcommand Definition
config Configures the DRAC 4.
getconfig Gets the DRAC 4 configuration data.