34 Installing and Setting Up the DRAC 4
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Run the following
command to install the packages. This command installs the packages
comprising the Java 2 Runtime Environment (J2RE):
rpm -iv j2re-1_4<
version number
Only one Java plug-in can be registered at a time. If you have never registered a Java plug-in,
go to the next step; otherwise, go to step 5.
Most Mozilla installations use symbolic links to where the Java plug-in is located. The name
of the symbolic link is
, which is in the
subdirectory of Mozilla.
For example:
cd /usr/lib/mozilla<
version number
rm libjavaplugin_oji.so
Register the Java plug-in.
Locate the
file in the
version number
directory. Usually it
is located in the
/i386/ns600 or /i386/ns610
subdirectory. Use the
create a symbolic link
feature in Mozilla that points to the
file in the
For example:
cd <
ln s j2re1.4<
version number
ji.so libjavaplugin_oji.so
NOTE: Create the link using the /plugins subdirectory of Mozilla. You cannot create the link from
<JRE> directory.
Start Mozilla and go to
Web Development
Java Console
The version of JRE is displayed at the top of the
Java Console
window. If the version that is
shown is not the same as the one you downloaded, then registration did not work. The same is
true if the
Java Console
menu option is grayed out.
Configuring DRAC 4 Properties
You can configure all of the DRAC 4 properties (network, users, alerts, etc.) using the Web-based
interface, or racadm CLI.
For more information about how to use the Web-based interface, see "Accessing the Web-Based
Interface." For more information about how to use the racadm CLI through a serial or telnet see
"Using the serial and racadm Commands."