Operating System Deployment Using the DRAC 4 Virtual Media CLI Feature 145
Create a bootable deployment image file that performs the steps necessary to deploy the
operating system. This bootable image file includes programs or scripts that understand the
target deployment infrastructure, and use standard network-based installation methods to
achieve the installation. For example, to deploy a Microsoft
server, this image file
may include programs that utilize Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) methods to
deploy the operating system to the target server.
• See "Creating Bootable Deployment Image Files" for additional details on creating bootable
deployment images.
• During deployments to multiple targets, mark the deployment image as ‘read-only’ to ensure that
each target server boots and executes the same deployment procedure.
• Skip this step if the required deployment image file is already in place.
Integrate the racadm and RACVMCLI utility programs into your existing operating system
deployment client application, or use the vmdeploy script included with the VM-CLI
packaging as it is. In the former case, use the sample deployment script as a guide when
integrating these DRAC 4 utilities into your existing operating system deployment
client application.
NOTE: Perform this step only once.
When you perform the tasks listed in "Tasks", remote
operating system
deployments to multiple
target servers can proceed. A summary of the steps used to accomplish this task are listed below.
Assemble the list of target DRAC 4 network names/addresses, whose hosts are to be installed.
For each target DRAC 4 network name/address in this list:
Start a VM-CLI process, supplying appropriate parameters:
• Target DRAC 4 name/address.
• Bootable deployment image filename.
• DRAC 4 user name.
• DRAC 4 user password.
Verify a successful Virtual Media connection.
Using racadm, set the boot once property on the target DRAC 4.
Using racadm, (re)boot the DRAC 4’s host server.
NOTE: Study the sample vmdeploy script included with the VM-CLI packaging. It offers detailed
requirements to accomplish each of the above steps.