Managing and Recovering a Remote System 75
Using the DRAC 4 Log
The DRAC 4 Log is a persistent log maintained in the DRAC 4 firmware. The log contains a list
of user actions (such as log in and log out) and alerts issued by the DRAC 4. The oldest entries
are overwritten when the log becomes full. If the DRAC 4 loses communication with the
managed system, all entries that the DRAC 4 would have added to the SEL, such as a power
failure, are added to the DRAC 4 Log until communication is re-established.
The DRAC 4 Log provides the information in Table 4-25.
Using the DRAC 4 Log Page Buttons
The DRAC 4 Log page provides the following buttons (see Table 4-26).
Table 4-25. Status Indicator Icons
Icon Description
A green check mark indicates a healthy (normal) status condition.
A yellow triangle containing an exclamation point indicates a warning (noncritical)
status condition.
A red X indicates a critical (failure) status condition.
A blank space indicates that the status is unknown.
Date/ Time The date and time (for example, Sat Dec 19 16:55:47 2004). When the DRAC 4 is
unable to communicate with the managed system, the letters DSU (DRAC 4 start up)
appear before the time, followed by the time elapsed since the DRAC 4 was started.
User The name of the user logging into the DRAC 4.
ID The event identification number of the message displayed.
Description A brief description of the event.
Table 4-26. DRAC 4 Log Buttons
Button Action
Print Prints the DRAC 4 Log page.
Clear Log Clears the DRAC 4 Log entries.
NOTE: The Clear Log button only appears if you have Clear Logs permission.
Save As Opens a pop-up window that enables you to save the DRAC 4 Log to a directory of
your choice.
Refresh Reloads the DRAC 4 Log page.