172 racadm Subcommand Man Pages
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-s — Provides the number of records to skip before returning entries (default=0).
-v — Provides "verbose" output.
-V — Provides "Very verbose" output.
-E — Places the 16 bytes of raw SEL at the end of each line of output as a sequence of hex values.
-R — Only the raw data is printed.
-m — Displays 24 rows at a time, and queries for more (such as the UNIX more command).
One line of output is displayed for each SEL entry.
NOTE: To use this command, you must have Clear Logs permission.
racadm clrsel
The clrsel command completely clears the System Event Log entries.
NOTE: To use this command, you must have Log In To DRAC 4 permission.
Ta b le A-31 describes the gettracelog subcommand.
racadm gettracelog -i
racadm gettracelog [-m]
Table A-31. gettracelog
Command Definition
gettracelog -i Displays the number of entries in the DRAC 4 trace log.
gettracelog Displays the DRAC 4 trace log.